The forecast in Times of India read, “Change is on the horizon and you can see it coming. Embrace it and see what happens. You do your best to make things clear but others seem determined not to listen”
I have a habit of checking the forecasts for my zodiac sign regularly (FYI, I am a Capricorn) and never has it seemed more accurate. This is the first time I have decided for a change in around 3 years and I have started sensing the tension build around me. My mother has started hinting at how my father does not like my decision. My father, while not completely denying what my mother said, attempts to re-phrase it to me in more diplomatic words. I know the words will slowly transform into more meaningful, emotional and personal terms (read blackmails) in the coming months. So, as far as the weather forecast goes, my life at home will be full of clouds and rains in the coming months. Probably my parents are fighting their own battle where they has to choose between staying close to their loved one and the good of their loved one. I know they will choose the latter finally but not before using all the tricks in the book for the former. The tension is less at office as they are unaware of the plans. Currently, the weather is quite gloomy at office and it is at a standstill. Call it the silence before the storm as torrential downpours can be expected with frequent thunder and lightning in the coming weeks when they know about my plans to leave the company. YES, I have decided to call it QUITS.
Though my decision is planned and well thought out, I am also fighting my own battle to break away from the shackles of the comfort zone that I have become so habituated to. Staying with your family, drawing a reasonably good salary and working in a reputed firm is almost all that a society feels a person needs for stability. I have all of that and being single and uncommitted also rules out the possibilities of girl-friend-induced or wife-induced instabilities. But have I achieved everything that I wanted or am I achieving all that I aspired for in this state of stability? The answer is NO. I have always believed that Stability Is a Curse (inspired from Nagesh Kukonoor’s film production company, SIC) and it is a big roadblock in the path of achieving greater success. Despite my strong views on the same, I have to agree that some part of me wants to cling on to this comfort zone of stability. Probably there is some force working in the Universe, which is trying to bring every unstable object to the final state of stability. But once it attains stability, it has nothing else to do. In other words, attaining this finally state of stability can be equated to DEATH. I believe it is this journey from instability to stability, which is called LIFE and we have to attain everything we want within that journey. My current state can be called stable but I feel that I have not achieved enough to attain this final state and for heaven’s sake, I am too young to die.
The change I have decided on is to re-attain the state of instability that will initiate something I have been missing since long… the journey of life. I don’t know if the decision I have taken is the best one for me but I know everyone has the right to make a decision for his own and to suffer/enjoy its consequences and I am ready for it. I am ready for a new life.
And of course, I will be paid much better in return. (no puns unintended)☺☺☺
Why I Write and Other Questions
5 years ago