Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I’ m free…I’ m on BENCH.

Since the last 6 months, I have not been getting much work in the project. Today, I m relieved from the pain and burden of having a project code against my name.
Yesterday, on hearing this, one of my friends asked,
“I don’t understand. You didn’t have to work earlier and you don’t have to work now. What the difference does it make?”
I hope this blog can explain the difference.

My association with the project was much like an affair with a young, gorgeous lady.
(I call it ‘young’ because it was a single resource project and ‘gorgeous’ because I got to work on niche technologies).It gave me high visibility (due to client appreciations and good appraisals) in the circle (my project in particular and unit as a whole) and also envious on-lookers (due to my late-to-office-early-to-go routine). The only and the biggest problem with the project was that I didn’t have “enough” work.

The case was like -You can sleep with this young, gorgeous lady but you can’t make love to her. Now, this is an insult to the manhood of any person. You just cannot expect any MAN to do that. Of course, ‘Making love to her’ is the single-most important thing in the world for a man in that position. I am sure, ‘just sleeping with her’ does not even feature in his ‘Top 10^n, n-> Infinity, actions I would like to do in my life-time’ list.
Similarly, for a Software engineer, it is an insult to be in a project where there is not enough work. I would like to have all the good appraisals, appreciations and envy from my project mates, but for my work/quality of work rather than for the lack of it.
A release from the project gives me two immediate benefits:
Reduces frustration
Makes me available for service to other projects. (It is very much possible that I don’t just have to sleep with the lady this time)

So, this is for the other gorgeous ladies (projects)…

I’ m free…I’ m on BENCH.
Only Term and Condition: You know what ;-)

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